Balashikha Cotton Spinning Mill No. 1 (BHPV)

Balashikha Cotton Spinning Mill No. 1 (BHPV)

Before that, there was a mill near a cramped river. In 1844, with the advent of a new owner - merchant P.T. Moloshnikov's cloth production is replaced by paper spinning. In 1847, the factory completely burned down. In its place two new brick buildings were built. In 1850, the merchant merchant Moloshnikova, the widow of the factory owner, ordered a 50-strong Plat steam engine for production in England. An English specialist Michael Samuel Lunn was invited to install the new equipment. Moloshnikova discerned a zealous landlord in the young man and offered to lead the factory for 20 years.

In 1873, Moscow merchants I.I. bought the factory on shares. Karzinkin and P.G. Shelaputin, who soon organized the Balashinsky Manufactory Partnership, whose shareholders became M.S. Lunn, as well as co-owner of the nearby cloth factory M.D. Shcheglov. Directorate M.S. The moon continued for 45 years, until his death in 1895. After the death of Michael Lunn, his sons became stewards. By that time they had received a good education, had production experience and were part of the joint-stock company, which managed the capital of the factory.

In terms of production, the enterprise was one of the most significant in the Moscow province, because based on foreign experience, the best machines at that time and competent organization of labor. According to the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary for 1891, “3 steam engines of 165 forces, 1 water wheel of 15 forces and 70 thousand spindles work at the Balashikha paper spinning mill. Workers in the factory - 1,200 people. There are 2 schools and a hospital with 30 beds. ”
In total, by 1898, the village at the factory consisted of 9 stone, 4-5 storey barracks - dormitories. The factory village was surrounded by a fence with four entrance gates: Nikolsky, Leonovsky, Pekhorsky and Balashikhinsky. The gate was guarded by watchmen and city guards. On the territory of the village there was a school, a hospital, a working school, and an almshouse. In the factory club (now “Moscow Nights”) they held Christmas trees for the children of employees, arranged concerts. There was a brass band and a football team at the factory.

The most gifted children of factory workers were sent to England, where they were trained at the expense of the owners in the professions of mechanics, weavers, accountants. Therefore, when in 1918 the English specialists and the owners of the Lunny factory left for England, there were Russian specialists who were able not only to preserve, but to further increase production volumes.

In 1918, the factory was nationalized. These difficult years also affected the factory’s productivity: out of 171 thousand spindles in 1918, only 40 thousand operated. Many workers were drafted into the Red Army. There were not enough working hands. It became difficult with food, typhoid raged. A subsidiary farm was organized at the factory. Urgent detachments formed, traveling to neighboring provinces. The factory began to revive with the introduction of NEP. In 1921, about 3 thousand people worked here. In 1925, the village of Red Textiles appeared at the factory, and in 1932, the village appeared nearby. Unions. It was these two villages that subsequently amounted to Balashikha II (but, this happened much later). At this time, the factory was gaining momentum and soon became one of the leading manufacturers of cotton products in the Moscow district.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than a thousand workers went to the front. This is reminded of today by an obelisk installed next to the factory building.
In the 50-60s, a comprehensive reconstruction was carried out at the Balashikha Cotton Spinning Mill, and the scope of work exceeded 10 thousand tons of single-strand and twisted cotton yarn. In 1958, reconstruction began at the factory. Gradually, the old equipment was replaced with new ones. The factory worked successfully until the time of "perestroika", after which the decline began.

At the moment, the factory has ceased to exist.